Flash drive restore data

Restoring data from a flash drive can be quite a difficult task, but in most cases it is possible to return lost files. Here are some steps you can take to request data recovery:

1. Connect the flash drive to the computer and check it on other USB ports or even on another computer. Sometimes the problem may be related to a damaged port or a specific device.

2. If your operating system sees the flash drive, but you cannot open the files or they are displayed as corrupted, try using data recovery software (Recovery Software). There are many free and commercial tools of this kind: Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, and Disk Drill are just some of the most common.

3. If the program for searching for deleted files successfully found the necessary information, save all data to a new storage location (do not use the same flash cassette).

4. If your computer completely ignores the connected USB flash drive, there are two main reasons: either the flash drive is damaged or there are problems with the USB port. Try to connect a second device to the same port and check its functionality.

5. If all the above methods did not help you to return the data, then the last step is to seek the professional help of data recovery specialists. They have access to more sophisticated tools and can conduct a deep analysis of your flash drive to request extraction of information.

It is important to note that the success of data recovery depends on the condition of the flash drive itself and the nature of the lost files. The faster you start recovery actions after deleting or formatting a file with a key + computer, the more chances there are for a successful return of all the necessary materials

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