Recovery of deleted files

Restoring deleted files can be a difficult task, but in some cases it is possible. Here are some methods that can help:

1. Checking the trash: If you accidentally deleted files and they ended up in the trash of your computer or remote storage (for example, Google Drive), then first of all, check this folder for the presence of the necessary files.

2. Using programs for data recovery: There are many special programs for data recovery from a hard disk or other information storage devices. Some of these programs are free (Recuva, PhotoRec), while others require a specific license (EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard). However, keep in mind that the chances of successful execution of the operation depend on various factors - for example, the time that has passed since the file was deleted and the state of the device itself.

3. Contacting specialists for data repair/restoration: If the data is very valuable to you and all the previous methods do not work, contact professional data repair/restoration services for help.

It is important to remember that the faster you take measures to restore data after its deletion or loss, the greater the chances of successful recovery. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately start the process of searching and restoring files when such a need arises.

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