Restoring deleted files on a computer

Restoring deleted files on a computer can be a fairly simple process if you act quickly and correctly. Here are some methods that can help you recover lost data:

1. Check the Recycle Bin: If you've accidentally deleted files or folders, the first place to look is your computer's Recycle Bin. Just open it and check the contents.

2. Use the command "Ctrl + Z": This key combination is the standard way to undo the last step in most Windows programs (such as a text editor or explorer). If the recent operation was a file/folder deletion, this command can restore it.

3. Restore the previous version of the file: Windows OS has the function of creating system restore points and copying shadow copies of files automatically (if it is activated). To use this opportunity:
– Find the desired folder or drive.
– Right-click on the selected folder/disk -> Properties.
– Go to the “Previous Versions” tab.
– Select the desired date and time when the file was still in place.
– Click the “Restore” button.

4. Use a specialized software tool: If you cannot find deleted files using the previous methods or if they have already moved to the Recycle Bin, you can use third-party data recovery software (for example, Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard). These applications scan your computer and allow you to select from a list of found deleted files.

However, keep in mind the following recommendations:
– The sooner you start the process of searching for lost data after deleting a file/folder, the greater the chances of its successful recovery.
– Try to save new data only on another partition/media until the search/recovery of lost files is completed.

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