Ms sql recovery from a copy hangs
If the process of restoring the MS SQL Server database from a backup has stopped, there are several possible reasons and ways to eliminate this problem. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Check the status of disk space: Make sure that there is enough free space on the server to accommodate temporary files during the recovery operation.
2. Check the SQL Server error log: Open the SQL Server error log (usually located at the path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLXX.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log) and check it for error or deadlock messages.
3. Analyze system activity: Use the Activity Monitor tool in Management Studio to determine current requests and blocking by other user sessions or processes.
4. Turn off anti-virus software: Some anti-virus software may slow down the read/write operation of the database file during the restore operation due to scanning of file operations.
5. Terminate the corresponding MSSQLServer.exe process through the Task Manager: If the recovery process hangs, try to forcibly stop it through the Task Manager and repeat the operation.
6. Check the integrity of the backup copy: Make sure that the backup files are not damaged or incorrectly created. You can use the RESTORE VERIFYONLY command to verify the integrity of the backup file before performing the actual restore operation.
7. Use a T-SQL script to perform the restore operation: Instead of using the graphical interface of Management Studio, you can write an appropriate T-SQL script using the RESTORE DATABASE command and run it from the SQL Server Management Studio prompt window.
If the problem still persists after all these steps, it may be necessary to analyze the specific case of your MS SQL Server in more detail or to seek help from technical specialists