Data recovery from a Linux flash drive
Data recovery from a flash drive in Linux can be performed in several ways. Here are some of them:
1. Using the ddrescue command:
– Make sure your flash drive is connected to the computer.
– Open a terminal and find out the path to your flash drive using the command `lsblk` or `fdisk -l`.
– Run the following command to create an image of a damaged flash drive:
sudo ddrescue /dev/sdX ~/flash_drive_image.img ~/log_file.log
(Replace `/dev/sdX` with the path to your flash drive).
2. Using the TestDisk program:
– Install TestDisk on your system via the package manager (`sudo apt install testdisk') or by downloading it from the project page
– Run TestDisk from the terminal as root (`sudo testdisk').
– Select the disk type “Non partitioned media” and the selected device USB Flash Drive.
– Agree to use Intel/PC Partition Table if it is offered.
3. Use Photorec:
PhotoRec is part of the TestDisc package software, which can be used to recover files of various formats from damaged media.
– Install TestDisk on your system via the package manager (`sudo apt install testdisk') or by downloading it from the project page
– Run Photorec from the terminal as root (`sudo photorec`).
– Select the device you would like to restore (in this case your USB Flash Drive) and follow the instructions.
Remember that when working with data recovery programs, there is always a risk of information loss. Therefore, before starting work, create a copy of a flash drive or a disk image for safety.